A Love Story

Behind the scenes blog posts are some of the ones that I enjoy writing the most.  It’s fun to be able to lift the veil a bit to share with you how all the gears and cogs turn in our crazy little wedding film machine.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Cassie and Doug a couple days ago to shoot the interview portion of their “Love Story” film.  First, I interviewed Cassie by herself.


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I asked Cassie a series of questions like:

“How did you and Ben meet?”
“What was your first impression of Ben?”
“Where was your first date?”
“How did he propose?”
“What’s the biggest difference between you two?”
“What are you most looking forward to on your wedding day?”

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Then I interviewed Ben, asking him the same questions that I asked Cassie.  It was interesting to see how well their stories lined up, and in this case our interviewees couldn’t have been more on the same wavelength.

After some clever editing, Cassie and Ben will have a “Love Story” film pieced together from their separate interviews.  A bit from Cassie.  A bit from Doug.  We’d love to share more with you now but we have to keep everything under wraps until their wedding rehearsal dinner in October.  🙂

Ask us about how we can tell your “Love Story!”


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