Nashville Cicada Videography :: Sarah & the Cicadas

When I (Brian) was visiting home in Alabama over a long Mother’s Day weekend, there was a buzz in the air. No, it wasn’t excitement over my mom’s new Shape-Ups (though she did love them!). The buzz was…CICADAS! These things were everywhere. Crawling on the ground, on the trees. Leaving behind ugly brown shells of their former selves. Gross, right?

My 3-year-old niece Sarah would disagree. She has a love for animals of all kinds…even creepy crawlies. The “13 year cicadas” last about 6 weeks, and she’ll be 16 the next time they drop by. Gotta get in as much cicada fun as she can!

Be sure to leave a comment down below for Sarah. 🙂




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  1. Barbara Thompson says:

    I love when she scares the spider away!!

  2. WithThisRing says:

    She’s very protective of these cicadas! When she saw one crawling across the front porch next to the dog, she ran over to it. Before she got there, the dog gobbled the cicada up and laid down right where the poor creature had been. You should have seen the look on her little face!

  3. Sheri Twing says:

    That is the cutest thing ever!!! She is adorable! I cringed when I saw that adorable little girl holding those nasty things like they were nothing! And her little roar scaring the spider away is priceless!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Montez Turner says:

    Brian, you are such a sweet uncle to do this for Sarah. She is a precious,gentle little girl who plays with her doll house, draws on the fish tank, paints her face, bakes birthday cakes with her mommy, goes to church every Sunday with her parents,plays so sweetly with her little cousin Owen, helping Nana make jam,then—————- she turns into this little outdoors tomboy. I don’t think she is afraid of anything. She plays with frogs, moles, and now the cicadas. She loves the horses, and leads them around, loves to play in the mud like her uncle Ben,(her Nana says maybe more), She rides in the boat on the new pond. Better watch her she will be in it before long. She has been taught by her parents, grandparents, uncle Brian, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Elizabeth not to be afraid to try new things, and they all have given her a lot of their time. I know when she gets older, Sarah will still be enjoying the same things she enjoys now(I know she will leave the mud behind with her childhood). Love you Sarah.

  5. Nana says:

    That is awesome Brian!! Of course you have a *star* in your movie, so it wasn’t hard. It has now quieted down from the cicada activity……so glad to have this video for her to look back on and remember this spring 2011.I don’t think she will remember much when she is 16 and they return looking for her. Montez, you are too sweet! We are going to have to make you Sarah’s Grand God Mother!! You are keeping up with her better than me!

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