Nashville wedding vendors unite!
Wish Upon a Wedding is a nonprofit organization that provides weddings and vow renewals to couples facing terminal illness or other serious life-altering circumstances, regardless of sexual orientation. Often, couples facing such situations do not have the energy, time, money, or resources needed to plan their wedding. Wish Upon a Wedding takes care of all the details, offering couples a chance to relax and enjoy a very special day while surrounded by the love of their closest family and friends.
We’re excited to volunteer our videography services as Wish Granters to help make these very special wedding dreams come true. If you’re a wedding vendor, please take a moment to visit to learn how you can be a part of the fun.
Join us for the big Wish Upon a Wedding launch party on Wednesday, May 18 at The Factory in Franklin. It’s open to all, just be sure to RSVP at if you plan to attend. Details below!

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