Teaser overload!

What an amazing bunch of weddings we captured in May. Each couple was so incredibly unique! With the deluge of teasers that we’ve posted over the last couple weeks, it’s easy to miss some of them if you’re not checking our blog regularly.

Easy fix! Simply navigate to the header above and click “Blog posts” and then select “Wedding video teasers.” This will filter our posts and show only teaser videos. If you see one that catches your eye, be sure to leave a comment so the newlyweds know how much you loved their sneak peek!

So now you’re caught up in teaser-land, right? Well…keep an eye out for two more brand new May teasers going up VERY soon. Sorry ’bout that! 🙂

EXTRA CREDIT – Would you believe we recently posted wedding video teasers featuring a key member of Lady Antebellum, as well as an Olympic swimmer? Post your guesses below!

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